Ashtakarma Movie Latest News Updates, Cast & Crew, Release Date Details

Ashtakarma Movie

Thaman and On Jayam Ravi make the title, Kishan says, He is my childhood friend. When the Ashtakarma movie came to me I believed that this is the correct time to freeboot into the film industry. The movie script is the hero because I have seen many movies being changed for the hero’s mass appeal. Hence, I decided that I would be a part of the movie in which the story is the hero.

Cast & Crew:

The director of this movie is Vijay Tamilselvan, Guru Dev has handled the camera. LV Muthu Ganesh has composed the music for this movie. Producer and distributor Chain Raaj Jain’s son CS Kishan going to be seen in the movie. The movie star features CS Kishan is playing the main lead role. Nandini Rai and Shrita Shivadas play female leads in this movie.

Movie Plot:

After financing films for a few years, we decided to venture into production with this movie. The movie story revolves around black magic, Kishan told DT Next. Ashtakarma movie has Tamil drama conducted to the audience by Mishri Productions. The first look and trailer of the movie have released by Jayam Ravi and S Thaman.

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Trailer Info:

The burial of voodoo dolls and the appearance of candles. Psychic mandalas in dimly lit rooms accentuated by eerie background music leave very little to the attention. It is no surprise that the main theme of the movie is black magic and the manual exploitation of bitter supernatural powers. The movie trailer has released on the music label of CSK Media on Mar 14, 2021. After watching the Ashtakarma Movie trailer, It seems interesting, and waiting to watch the whole crew for the movie is going to be a success.

Release Date Details:

The movie shooting is all are ready to release in the theatres but the corona pandemics keeping in mind it is delayed a few days. After that, the moviemakers have to decide the movie release date on Dec 2021 in theatres. The exact movie release date announced will be soon.

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