Bimbisara is a Telugu action drama movie, Debuting director Vashisht written and directed the movie. Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, Katherine Theresa, Samyuktha Menon, and Varina Hussain are playing lead roles. The music was composed by Chirantan Bhatt and the cinematography done by Chhota K Naidu and the editor is Tammiraju. While the movie produces by Harikrishna under the banner of NTR Arts. The movie released on 5th Aug 2022. Here get the details about Bimbisara full movie download.
Bimbisara Movie Trailer
NTR Arts released the trailer of the Bimbisara movie. The trailer shows the elements of Bimbisara, a ruler of the Magadha Empire with an iron fist from the 5th century BC. Bimbisara has all the traits of a narcissistic. He heard saying at one point, I am the God and I’m the devil.
Movie Story
There lived a king named Bimbisara many centuries ago. He is power-thirsty and evil and hides all his wealth (money and jewelry) in a secret room. and he doesn’t spare anyone who talks or goes against him. He even kills an innocent girl. One day, an artist presents him with a magical mirror that transports him to the future. In the modern era, a doctor is in search of a book stashed in the locked room belonging to Bimbisara. Meanwhile, Bimbisara gets saved by a young girl from an accident. The girl looks exactly like the one he killed in his kingdom. Will this incident transform him into a good man?
Bimbisara Full Movie Download
Bimbisara movie is now entertaining in theatres. Kalyan Ram comes from Nandamuri family but he entertains the audience in his own way. Bimbisara is a different concept movie. Definitely, he doing his best in this movie. We suggest audience watch Bimbisara movie only in theatres. Nowadays movies easily got pirated, but we suggest audience please encourage these kind of movies. Recently the hero of the movie annpunced the news about Part 2 has conformed.
Movie Review
Kalyan Ram invested everything in Bimbisara. He put his heart and soul into the film. As such Kalyan Ram is seen throughout the film. He came up with a spirited performance. He looked menacing as the cruel king Bimbisara. His dialogue delivery is powerful and made an impact and his body language suited it perfectly. His expressions are good but one gets a feeling that he should have blinked his eyelids. He did all the roles, be it Bimbisara, Devdatta, or the modern-day youngster without blinking his eyelids. Had he done so, expressions would have made an even more powerful impact.
Catherine Tresa and Samyuktha Menon gave good performances. Srinivasa Reddy and Vennela Kishore receive notable roles, and they both successfully defend them. The rest of the star cast do justice and come up with commendable performances. Director Vasishta dared to be different to show Kalyan Ram in a never seen role. Kalyan Ram complimented for doing the role without any reservations and taking a risk and proving once again that he has a penchant for doing unique roles irrespective of the result of his films. In doing so this time, he came up with one of the best performances in his career. Vasishta starts the narration in an interesting manner and quickly introduces to the wicked rule of Bimbisara.
The narration in the current episodes generates interest with a few hilarious scenes and the first half ends on a decent note with an interesting twist setting the tone for the second half. The second half narration also follows the same tempo with director Vasishta taking viewers to the past and the present in a to and fro manner. Vasishta with his screenplay and interesting narration managed to maintain the interest of movie lovers. Finally, the film ends in a good manner.
MM Keeravani boosted Bimbisara‘s ferocious spirits. Every heroic moment we witness on the big screen is primarily the result of him. Without a doubt, Keeravani is the movie’s biggest technical asset, especially in the action scenes and the entire flashback episode.
Chota K Naidu’s cinematography beautified the scenes on the screen giving an aesthetic feel. The fight sequence Choreographed well and the VFX needs a special mention. Dialogues are powerful and production values are grand.
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