Malayalam star Prithviraj Sukumaran’s latest release movie Cold Case. cold case is a crime suspense movie based on a supernatural murder story. The film is directed by Tanu Balak and produced by Anto Joseph. Firstly Cold Case movie is scheduled for theatrical release, but due to the pandemic situation, this movie was released directly on the OTT platform Amazon Prime Video. It is one of the most popular movie streaming sites worldwide.
Cold Case Movie Trailer
Amazon prime released the trailer of the Malayalam movie Cold case trailer. The trailer gets a superb response from the viewers. The movie trailer has reached more than 10 million-plus views within 2 weeks. Cold case is a supernatural horror movie.
Cold Case Movie Story
Prithviraj Sukumaran Cold Case is a movie with high expectations and the film has a great story, so this had a reason for a lot of success as well. The Cold-Case movie story begins with a small murder investigation case by ACP Satyajith. But after this case was full of mysteries and much dark. Because the small murder mystery case turns into a horror story.
ACP Satyajith and journalist Medha Padmaja both working together and found some supernatural twists in this case. Finally, the Cold Case movie story is a good storyline because it’s a horrific crime mystery story. It will be nice to see Cold Case Film the full story of Prime Video. All the horror fans enjoy this movie on the streaming platform.
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Cast Details
Prithviraj Sukumaran appears as the lead role of ACP Satyajith while actress Aditi Balan played the role of Medha Padmaja. Tanu Balak’s directed this movie produced by the J Studios & prime video production house.
Malayalam Cold Case Full Movie Download Online
Prithviraj Sukumaran’s newly release film Cold Case Malayalam full movie now available on Illegal sites. Famous illegal sites Tamilrockers and Movierulz Leaked Cold Case Malayalam Full Movie Online For Download. Cold Case Malayalam film watch and Download online full movie on Tamilrockers. This movie is available on 480p and 720p Hd quality. Watch Cold Case Full Movie online on Tamilrockers in full HD.
Movie Review
Prithviraj starrer Cold Case is a murder mystery. A cop on the path of a murder and a journalist heading out in a different direction to fix the puzzle. At the point when the two meet, all drama closes. Directed by Tanu Balak, the analytical horror thrill ride is out on Amazon Prime. Prithviraj looks thin and manages as a police officer. He conveys his best. Flawless show. Aditi impresses as a journalist and others shoulder the film with their incredible performances. Fear, anger, and desolation are depicted well by her. Her scenes with Prithviraj are acceptable. With great settings and astounding visuals, the director manages out how to make the whodunit fascinating in parts. That being said the length of the film, which has a span of a little more than 140 minutes, appears to be excessively long.
In these long periods of smart thrillers that keep the watcher as eager and anxious as ever, Cold Case is an alright one, with a practically unsurprising track and stereotypical minutes. It leaves you with numerous unanswered questions. Having said that, this one could without much of an easily qualify as a fine one-time watch.