Ladki: Enter the Girl Dragon is an upcoming Telugu Action Romance Drama film. The film is an Indo-Chinese production. It was to release on 15th July 2022 in Cinemas. Ram Gopal Varma is the Producer and Director of Ladki: Enter the Girl Dragon. Devi Sri Prasad is the Music Director, Malaharbhatt Joshi is the Director of Photography, and Kamal Ramadugu and Prabhu Deva are the Editors. Pooja Bhalekar played the lead role in the movie. Malhottra Shivam and Prateek Parmar played pivotal roles in the film. Production film as it is produced by an Indian company namely Artsee Media and Chinese company Big people. In Hindi its name is Ladki, and in China, it released as ‘Enter The Girl Dragon’, Tamil version will be called Ammayi. Here get the details about Enter The Girl Dragon full movie download.
As claimed by the veteran filmmaker RGV, Ladki is India’s first Martial Arts Film. Ram Gopal Verma is the director of this Action/Romance genre movie. Mahanayak Amitabh Bachchan also posted about the film, their Sarkaar franchise is iconic in the industry. Parijatha Movie Creations and Shresta Patel Movies are presenting the movie together. Parth Suri played the male lead alongside Pooja Bhalekar. Ravi Shankar composed the music for the film. The songs are available on Mango Music. Rammy is the cinematographer, and Kamal is the editor.
Enter The Girl Dragon Movie Trailer
Movie News
Earlier, Ram Gopal Varma made Sarkar (2005), which was a tribute to The Godfather. Similarly, the film Ladki is a tribute to the iconic Bruce Lee. Jing Liu and Wu Jing (Big People Chinese Company) are the producers of the Chinese version of Ladki. The first look of the film releases on 27 November 2021 on the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. It is the day of the 81st Birth Anniversary of Bruce Lee.
However, the release date has been postponed. It will be released simultaneously in the Hindi language on 15 July 2022. It is Ram Gopal Varma’s most ambitious and most expensive film until now. The title of the film is Ladki in Hindi and Dragon Girl in Chinese. Ladki: Enter the Girl Dragon features India’s 1st female Martial Actress Poja Bhalekar.
Movie Story
The leading girl Pooja Bhalekar learns Martial Arts and becomes an expert trained Martial Artist. She collides with some goons who work for a big mafia man. Pooja thinks that she can make them defeat. However, the reality is entirely different from what she thinks.
Like Sarkar was my tribute to The Godfather, Ladki – Enter The Girl Dragon starring Pooja Bhalekar is my Tribute to the greatest martial arts film ever made in history Enter The Dragon starring the iconic Bruce Lee. After the Galwan standoff between the two countries, Ladki will be the first Indian film to be released in China, demonstrating that martial arts and cinema have brought India and China together. Produced by Artsee Media and the Chinese Production Major Big People, Ladki is an India-China co-production filmed in Mumbai, Goa, and China.
Here is TRAILER of My Most Ambitious and Most Expensive Film LADKI in HINDI and DRAGON GIRL in Chinese produced by ARTSEE MEDIA , featuring India’s 1st female martial artiste/actor @PoojaBofficial #RgvsLadki
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) November 8, 2021
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