Keerthy Suresh took to Instagram to share the new poster the release date of the film. Here’s the declaration you’ve been waiting for Good Luck Sakhi Movie is coming to theaters on June 3, the 28-year-old actor’s. The sports drama film stars Keerthy Suresh, Aadhi Pinisetty, and Jagapathi Babu in lead jobs. It is quite possibly the most expected Telugu movie of 2021. The movie has written directed by Nagesh Kukunoor and produced by Sudheer Chandra Padiri under the banner of Sri Venkateswara Creations.
Keerthy Suresh will be found in the nominal role of Sakhi in the film. In the interim, Aadhi will article the job of a conventional theater craftsman and Jagapathi Babu will depict Keerthy’s mentor in Good Luck Sakhi. In the new poster, Keerthy Suresh is spotted with a firearm in her grasp, flanked by Aadhi and Jagapathi Babu.
Devi Sri Prasad will form the foundation score and music tracks for the film. Cinematography will be taken care of by Chirantan Das. The film is introduced by Dil Raju and bankrolled by Sudheer Chandra Padiri. Shyavya Varma is ready as the co-maker just as polished for Good Luck Sakhi.
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Release date Information
The moviemakers detailed the film intended to follow through on 3 June 2021. The crowd is, excitedly sitting tight for the film makers have declared the delivery date of this film. Keerthy Suresh star is a great idea to go to hit the screens on June 3, 2021. Keerthy Suresh shared a poster on social media, in that poster, her grasping a weapon. Aadhi and Jagapathi Babu are beside to her.