Hari Hara Veera mallu is an upcoming Telugu periodic drama movie directed by Krish. This film had produced by A. Datakar Rao. This movie had presented by A. M. Ratnam. This movie script had written by Krish. The film’s famous actors are Pawan Kalyan, Nidhi Agarwal. Music has scored by M. M. Keeravani. It is pawan kalyan first pan india movie. For the first time, Pawan Kalyan and Nidhi Agarwal pairing. This film has scheduled to release in January 2022.
The film producers reproduced verifiable Moments like Charminar, Red Fort, and a portion of the authentic places. It is the principal skillet India film for the Pawan Kalyan. The producers are set to release in January 2022. The period dramatization happens in the seventeenth century. Pawan Kalyan is found in another, chivalrous symbol. The film producers delivered the main impression video.
First Glimpse Video
In the event of maha Shivaratri producers are set to release the PSPk 27 film first impression video. In this video, we can consider Pawan Kalyan To be a Diamond thief. The epic experience of genuine during the hours of the Mughal realm in India and this story is an incredible brave outlaw. In the first impression video, we can watch Pawan Kalyan in the port scene. By watching the First Glimpse Video Pawan Kalyan fans would be glad.