Hari Hara Veera Mallu is an upcoming Telugu periodic action movie. Krish Jagarlamudi is the director of the movie. Pawan Kalyan, Nidhhi Agerwal, Arjun Rampal, and Nargis Fakhri are playing lead roles in this movie. Adithya Menon and Subhalekha Sudhakar are supporting roles. The makers are A. Dayakar Rao and A. M. Ratnam under the Mega Surya Production banner. Pujita Ponnada’s arrival is an exceptional tune. M.M. Keeravani is composing the music for this film. Gnana Shekar V.S. is the cinematographer while the film project is estimated at Rs. 100cr to 150 Cr.
First Glimpse of Hari Hara Veeramallu Movie:
The video shows Pawan Kalyan with an angry and hero look. A periodic show forced by a certifiable extremist during the norm of the Mughal space in India. This is a history of an astounding legend Veera Mallu, Director Krish Said, the movie is set in the seventeenth-century foundation of the Mughals and Qutub Shahis time. This is the story of a forgotten legend Veera Mallu and an untold story in Indian movies certainly. This look of Pawan Kalyan is certainly a visual treat to his fans.
Story Line:
The story of Hari Hara Veeramallu Movie depends on the seventeenth-century Mughal Empire, In this timeframe, the most needed criminal Veera Mallu, and his activities in that specific timeframe. The makers and directors looked for the region in specific spots of Rajasthan and Delhi. Visiting several where the region director played out the photography goes for the gathering’s support.
About Movie:
Anyhow, the going for Hari Hara Veeramallu’s film ought to start by the principal seven-day stretch of December, there is he has a few ventures. The makers of Hari Hara Veera Mallu moved the shooting to January, to wrap up a couple of huge advances. Whenever the shoot resumes, Krish and his gathering are to chip away at finishing the film rapidly, the reports suggest. At Pawan Kalyan’s 50th birthday celebration, the moviemakers of Hari Hara Veera Mallu revealed the first-look banner of the film. Jointly Krish Jagarlamudi, the film will release in theatres on 29 Nov 2022. Let’s see what happens that day.
Vijay Naidu tweets on Twitter about the movie
On 2 oct
Get ready cults #Pawanakalyan pic.twitter.com/RoOfgLhnXb— VijayNaidu (@VijayNa43200267) May 6, 2022