Jayamma Panchayathi movie is an upcoming Telugu show film by Vijay Kumar Kalivarapu. The film stars Suma Kanakala, Devi Prasad, Dinesh Kumar, and Shalini Kondepudi among others. M.M. Keeravaani created the music for the film. The cinematography is done by Anush Kumar and modified by Ravi Teja Girijala. The film has released by Balaga Prakash under Vennela Creations banner. Jayamma Panchayathi’s movie is scheduled to be released on 06 May 2022.
Poster Details:
Suma has viewed as a typical town woman in the movie, who couldn’t care less about anyone and anything. The Jayamma Panchayathi film stood produced by Balaga Prakash under Vennela Creations. MM Keeravani has made the music, Anush Kumar has managed the camera and Ravi Teja Girijala is the editor. While Mega Power Star Ram Charan shipped off the title and first look flag, Natural Star Nani revealed the basic single and alluring hunk Rana Daggubati sent off the mystery of the film. Star boss SS Rajamouli shipped off the title tune of the film.
Movie Plot:
Following hiring the group with adorable banners, mysteries, and sound singles, the makers have now announced the release date of the Jayamma Panchayathi movie. The declaration has resided made with a senseless video that Suma has found revealing different dates. At last choosing April 22nd, so as not to clash with biggies appearing in the mid-year. The film recently terminated a huge load of interest among film buffs and expected that Jayamma Panchayathi will clearly connect with a wide scope of groups. Suma informed the ride news through her own Twitter account.
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Trailer Info:
The theatrical trailer for reputed small screen host and actress Suma’s Jayamma Panchayathi has revealed recently Apr 16, 2022. Powerstar Pawan Kalyan released the trailer. The trailer shows set in a village backdrop, the promotional video revolves around a Panchayati meeting in a village. How does Suma aka Jayamma’s role plays a key factor for the Panchayati? Is Jayamma the main reason behind the issues in the village?
How are Jayamma’s family issues interconnected with the proceedings, expected to stand as the crucial crux of the film? Suma’s avatar and his dialogue delivery in typical Srikakulam slang are a major advantage of the trailer. The rural setup created for the film is going and showcases the lifestyle of people in villages. Overall, Jayamma Panchayathi’s trailer is good and created a positive impression among the audience with the screen presence of Suma.
VamsiShekar ON DUTY recently tweets on Twitter about this movie
I would’ve missed my own event for #JayammaPanchayathi Pre-Release Event today😍🎪
Natural 🌟 @NameisNani shows his Love on @ItsSumaKanakala ♥️
▶️https://t.co/bmFJhBXEsD#JayammaPanchayathiOnMay6th 💥@mmkeeravaani @VijayKalivarapu @PrakashBalaga @vennelacreation @adityamusic pic.twitter.com/Us0ix2J8hK
— VamsiShekar ON DUTY (@UrsVamsiShekar) April 30, 2022