Dhanush impresses fans with his versatility and the actor recently received a National Award for Best Actor for his role in ‘Asuran’. Meanwhile, Dhanush has completed work for Maran directed by Karthik Naren, and post-production work is in progress. Maaran is a Tamil action thriller film, directed by Karthick Naren. While film cinematography and editing work are given by Vivekanand Santhosam, and Prasanna G.K.
Cast & Crew:
‘Maran’ stars Dhanush and Malvika Mohanan in the lead roles, while Master Mahendran, Samudrakhani, Smruthi Venkat, and Krishnakumar play the lead roles. The team shot most of the film in Hyderabad and it is a stylish romantic drama from Dhanush. Produced by Satyajyoti Films, the film has music by GV Prakash Kumar.
First Look Poster:
During Pongal, Disney + Hotstar released the Maran First Look Motion Poster starring Dhanush. The poster itself reveals a scene of rioting by several men on the steps of a dilapidated, still under construction building. In the end, Dhanush grabs a sharp razor and appears to be bleeding. The poster also has a chessboard and various elements that will thrill the audience.
Also Read: Etharkkum Thunindhavan Movie News, Cast & Crew and Release Date Details
Release Date Details:
After watching the first look poster all Dhanush fans looking for movie releasing. The Maaran movie team announces the film has ready to release in February 2022. But the exact movie date was not revealed. We will wait for some more time.
Karthik Naren Tweets On Twitter About Maaran Movie:
His courage is his weapon🔥
Proudly presenting the first look of #Maaran … Happy birthday @dhanushkraja sir🤗@gvprakash @SathyaJyothi_ #D43 #MaaranFirstLook#HappyBirthdayDhanush pic.twitter.com/5dWIau7745— Karthick Naren (@karthicknaren_M) July 28, 2021