Bigg Boss Tamil Season 3 title winner Mugen Rao, is awaiting the release of his maiden movie Velan. It is all set to be caught in a romantic comedy opposite Divya Bharathi of Bachelor fame. Titled Mathil Mel Kadhal, the movie is directed by Anjana Ali Khan of Veppam fame. The movie is set in Chennai and the majority of the portions have stood shot here. We keep only a few days of attacking left and we are planning to go abroad to film a song, she states. Interestingly, Anjana and Mugen are accomplishing another movie jointly, Vettri.
Cast & Crew:
Madhil Mel Kaadhal aka Madhil Mel Kadhal is Tamil Film, Written and Directed by Anjana Ali Khan. While the produced by Shirdi Productions. Madhil Mel Kadhal movie features Mugen Rao and Divya Bharathi in lead roles. Sakshi Agarwal and KPY Bala in keeping roles. Music Director Nivas K Prasanna composes music for this movie. Goutham George handles the cinematography and Anthony is the Editor of the film.
Movie Plot:
As for Divya, Anjana says that she was ideal for the movie. The female character is a strong one and has lived written with a lot of reflection and care. In addition to good looks, we also desired someone who could carry the role nicely. Divya has done a great job. The pairing is a fresh one, tells Anjana. Take a look at the searing first look poster of Madhil Mel Kaadhal Movie, ft. Mugen and Divya.
As we all know that the Madhil Mel Kadhal will be arriving soon, the Fans are still puzzled to know At What Time the Madhil Mel Kadhal will be released. Stay affiliated to our page to get the latest updates. Fans who are researching on which platform will the Madhil Mel Kadhal be terminated should wait for some time, as the platform is officially not announced.
Release Date Details:
Madhil Mel Kadhal movie was scheduled to release in May this year, but due to the on & off shooting schedule, the producers have indefinitely postponed the release of the film in theaters only. They recently announced that Madhil Mel Kadhal will hit theaters in Mar 2022.
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