Maidaan is Bollywood Hindi language upcoming Biographical Sports movie. Amit Ravindernath Sharma is the director and the story written by Akash Chawla, Arunava Joy Sengupta, and Saiwyn Quadras. The producers are Zee Studios, Boney Kapoor, Arunava Joy Sengupta, and Akash Chawla under the Zee Studios and Bayview Projects. Ajay Devgn plays the lead role. Aryann Bhowmik, Priyamani, Rudranil Ghosh, and Nitanshi Goel are playing supporting roles. The movie scheduled to release on 3rd June 2022. Here get the details about Maidaan movie news and updates.
Movie Story
Maidaan story is a sports biographical drama set in the splendid season of Indian football (1952-62). It relies upon the presence of the popular football mentor Syed Abdul Rahim, who managed the Indian football group for a seriously prolonged stretch of time and laid out the foundation of present-day Indian football. The occupation of this football doyen played by Ajay Devgn in the film.
Release Info
The producers of Maidaan, featuring Ajay Devgn leading the pack, are intending to deliver the film in Bengali too given the way that Kolkata is the center point of Indian football.
Maidaan is a story that will resound with each Indian, a film that I feel emphatically about. Mark the date on your schedule. Delivering worldwide on third June 2022, he said in the tweet. The games shown had deferred on different occasions because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Maidaan coordinated by Amit Ravindernath Sharma of “Badhaai Ho! notoriety from a screenplay by Saiwyn Quadras and exchanges written by Ritesh Shah.
The delivery dates of some profoundly expected films had been declared throughout the most recent few days. Presently, Ajay Devgn has shared the release date of Maidaan with his fans. The entertainer took to virtual entertainment to share new banners of the film and expressed, Maidaan movie, A story that will reverberate with each Indian, a film that I feel unequivocally about. Mark the date on your schedule. Release worldwide on 3rd June 2022.
Standing ovation to @ajaydevgn today on the sets of #Maidaan. To a glorious 30 years and the next 30 to a bigger blockbuster.@BoneyKapoor @iAmitRSharma @akash77 @JoyArunava @freshlimefilms @BayViewProjOffl
— Maidaan (@MaidaanOfficial) November 22, 2021