Akshay Kumar’s Prithviraj movie is an upcoming Indian historical action drama movie and it is directed by Chandraprakash Dwivedi. Based on the life of Prithviraj Chauhan the film Prithviraj is taken. An official poster of the movie has released by Yash Raj Films on 9 September 2020. For making this movie it is the official declaration and it will release in theatres on Diwali.
Cast & Crew:
The movie star features Akshay Kumar and Manushi Chhillar are playing the lead roles in this movie while the film actors Sanjay Dutt, Sonu Sood, Sakshi Tanwar, Ashutosh Rana, Lalit Tiwari, and Manav Vij, Lalit Tiwari are supporting characters in this movie. The producer of this movie has Aditya Chopra and Prithviraj’s movie has written by Chandraprakash Dwivedi. This movie stars Ajoy Chakraborty, Govind Pandey, and Deependra Singh also playing prominent roles. Music has been composing in this movie was Shankar Ehsaan Loy.
Movie Plot:
The movie story is based on the Prithviraj Raso, a biopic of legendary Hindu Rajput battle king of Chahamanas Dynasty Prithviraj Chauhan. Which handovers his early life, military accomplishments, marriage to Sanyukta, and war with Muhammad of Ghor. He led the Islamic conquest of Hindustan. Akshay Kumar is playing Prithviraj Chauhan’s role, however, Manushi Chhillar making her Hindi movie debut by performing his beloved better half Sanyogita’s character.
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Trailer Info:
The movie trailer has released through the Bollygrad Studioz this year Mar 3. After seeing the movie trailer Akshay Kumar looking like a king of wisdom. The get-up in the trailer of Akshay Kumar is looking more handsome in this movie. The movie trailer gets a good response from the audience and it makes them more curious in this movie.
Release Date Details:
The movie has ready to release on 13th November 2020. But it was postponed due to a pandemic situation. The movie is now ready to release in theatres on 2022 January 21, coinciding with Republic day.
TutejaTalks Tweets On Twitter About Prithviraj Movie:
#OneManIndustry #AkshayKumarFilmFestival begins with announcements galore #Sooryavanshi – Diwali 2021#Prithviraj – 21 Jan 2022#BachchanPandey – 4th March 2022#RamSetu – Diwali 2022
More to follow @akshaykumar pic.twitter.com/o7bpuZIJgI
— #TutejaTalks (@Tutejajoginder) September 26, 2021