Kannada actor Dhananjaya’s upcoming movie Twenty One Hours, which additionally has Mollywood actors Sudev Nair, Durga Krishna, and Rahul Madhav in important roles, will be looking at an OTT release, OTTplay has just learned. The producers of the film had released their first look poster of the film on Sunday in front of Dhananjaya’s birthday. The movie is planned to release on 20 May 2022.
Cast & Crew:
Twenty One Hours is a suspense thriller film directed by Jaishankar Pandit. In the film, Daali Dhanajajya is the lead role. The music was composed by Rupert Fernandes while the cinematography is completed by S Thirunavukarasuu and is altered by Richard Kevin. The film is produced by NS Balakrishna, Abhishek Tumkur Rudramurthy, Sunil Gowda, and Praveen Mahadeva under Aham Conceptam Pvt. Ltd banner.
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Story Line:
The film story resembles Twenty One Hours an investigative thriller about what occurs in the hours later. Is everything as it appears or is there a hazier truth? Whenever a lady disappears, everybody has thought her vanishing. Twenty One Hours is an investigative thriller about what occurs in the hours later.
About Movie:
Further on the plot of the film, Jaishankar, who has co-plotted Twenty One Hours with Vinod Sudheer, says, The film is about a Malayali young lady living in Bengaluru who disappears. The film is about the examination and Dhananjaya plays a cop. Durga plays the young lady who disappears while Sudev Nair articles her significant other and Rahul Madhav assumes the part of her companion. As a result of the nativity of Durga’s personality, we cast the other Malayali actors as well, says the movie producer. Public Award-winning cinematographer Tirru has turned the camera for the film, which will check Durga’s Kannada debut.
Conversing with OTTplay, the movie’s director Jaishankar Pandit says, The film is practically finished. The last managing and names are right now going on. The producer likewise lets us know that the producers are looking at an OTT release for the Kannada-Malayalam bilingual. Twenty One Hours was planned for a theatrical release with satellite and computerized freedoms sold separately. In any case, theaters returning at simply half limit is a test and everybody is in a condition of motion. That is the reason we have chosen to go for an OTT release. The producers have offers from different streaming platforms however they are yet to focus on one.